Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mr Gorgeous

My most favorite painting of mine of all time. I called this "Mr Gorgeous" because that is what my late sister called him. My sister for those of you that do not know, was mentally retarded, and 10 years older than me. She moved to a facility in Orillia, Ontario when I was six or so. She came to visit a weekend a month or so while I was growing up. We always shared a room and I was always very protective of her. My son Christopher painted here, was born in March of 1989. I had just turned 22 eight days earlier. He was the greatest gift I have ever been blessed to receive. He was the out come of a high school love affair--a boy, I will leave unnamed, as I am sure he would appreciate. We dated for about 5 years on and off. We were young, he did not want the child. He wanted me to have an abortion or give him up for adoption. I could do neither. Chris was a beautiful child, the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on. He meant and means everything to me. I wanted to paint a picture that would capture that. I think I did. The teddy bear in the picture my father gave to Chris when he was born and he still has it to this day, he is now 20 years old. I could not love and adore anyone more. I painted this from a photo that was taken when Chris was only a couple weeks old or less. After Chris was born my parents retired to British Columbia and I went with them along with Chris and my sister. My sister died of an aneurysm before Chris was a year old. She had moved in with Chris and I to help me out. That is when she named him Mr Gorgeous, and he was. I was over joyed with how well this turned out. My mother and father don't call me an artist, never have, which was always good for the ego. But about the time I painted this I started to call myself an artist, it gave me the courage to do so. The painting is acrylic on canvas framed in an incredible gold guilted frame and is 16" x 20".
I will treasure it as my greatest accomplishment. I will some day paint a portrait of my sister, I am still looking for the right photo. I know of one that I love is a slide that my parents have, but since we are estranged I am sure I will never been given it. So I wait to paint that another time.

"Mr Gorgeous"
Acrylic on canvas framed 16"x 20"
This painting not for sale.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Dawn. How are you doing? That's such a lovely story. It's wonderful to have someone (your son) and something (your painting of him) that means so much to you.

    It's too bad about the strained relationship between you and your parents. I wonder if it can ever be rekindled. They say time heals all wounds. I think it may be true. Maybe one day, when the time is right, you can offer an olive branch of peace to them and see what they say.

    Take care ~
