Sunday, October 25, 2009

Angelic Andrew

Andrew is my stepson, this pencil drawing was a gift to my husband during a very difficult time when we first met. His exwife was denying him visitation after they seperated. Andrew was only 3 and was the apple of his eye. One could say the sun and the moon rose and set on Andrew. I found a cute picture of Andrew in a desk drawer and desided to make this gift for him.
I had a highschool art teacher, Gerry Burford teach me that light creates many colors that are reflected on a surface and to give the greatest illusion of depth and dimension once needs to incorporate many colors. Keeping that in mind I drew this. While there was never any blue in his face I found adding the blue from his shirt on his face gave the piece greater depth and illusion. I call it "Angelic Andrew" because I think it fit the piece best. I know my husband has always loved it. Not soon after I gave this to him his lawyer was able to intervene and bring about visitation again. Andrew is now 18.

"Angelic Andrew"
inside matte is 5" x 7" outside frame is 8" x 10"
This piece is not for sale for obvious reasons

If you have a favorite picture of your child please email me, I would love the opportunity to caputure it for you in an original art piece.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... Gerry Burford... I haven't heard that name in such a long time. To tell you the truth, I can't remember many names of the teachers we used to have in high school. I remember Mrs. Smith, the other art teacher as well as Mr. Mackenzine (gym, math) and Mr. Harkness (band). Oh... and crazy Mr. Atkins who taught English (I forget which grade). He had all sorts of nutty ideas he used to tell us about things not related to class. I remember, one time, when we had a test on some Shakespeare lines we were supposed to memorize. I worked pretty hard trying to remember all the lines. In the middle of the test he stepped out of the classroom and all the other students got their books out and copied the lines word for word. I was a little perturbed about that. =P
