Monday, November 9, 2009

"It's not easy to be me"

I called this "it's not easy to be me" homeless in Toronto. I was doing a search on the net of "Toronto Streets" and stumbled on a photo of a young man with this sign. I added him sitting on the Toronto Star newspaper to show where he was and added a couple coins outside his cup. Of course I love coke so I had to make the cup look like a coca cola logo. I was also listening to the song "Superman" which a line he says "it's not easy to be me" and that seem to fit for this and so it was named. I had a friend once, he was killed May 2001. He lived on the streets of Denver growing up, he told me stories of living under a bridge in the cold of winters. It hurt my heart to hear them. When I saw this photo it made me think of him again and how I missed his friendship. Eric Scott may you rest in peace.

Watercolor 9" x 11"

1 comment:

  1. Nice story and painting, Dawn. I hope things are going well with you there. We had some unusually warm weather over the weekend. It went up to 18C (65F). Normally our high only goes up to about 10C (50F) at this time of the year. It was a nice break, but I'm sure it won't last too long.

    Have a great day ~
