Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Canada Geese

Every Canadian artist I guess at some point wants to paint or draw some Canadian Geese. So here are mine. This is a pen and ink drawing of two geese at a park near where I live in Denver, Colorado. Surprisingly we have lots of Canadian Geese here. I think they are a beautiful bird although I hear many call them a dirty bird. I am also going to be reproducing this piece on notecards to sell for the holidays wrapped in red ribbon.

"Canadian Geese"
Pen & Ink 11" 14" matted with a black matte very striking.


  1. Nice ink drawing, Dawn. I think they're beautiful looking birds too. But, I understand why people call them dirty. I guess they have a habit of going to the bathroom everywhere. It gets a bit messy.

    I guess you've gotten quite a bit of snow there recently, haven't you? It's cooling down here in Toronto. We haven't seen any snow here yet though.

  2. Thank you and that is why people call them dirty cause they do go to the bathroom everywhere. But I think that they are beautiful and more so now I have moved away.

    We have gotten quite a bit of snow, but it is really pretty here with the snow. It is melting now.
